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Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Pati Jus Delima Pekat Penuh Khasiat!
100% perahan buah delima tulen

Khasiat perubatan delima sudah dijumpai sejak 8000 tahun lalu oleh masyarakat Parsi Purba (Iran).

Adalah sukar untuk mengekalkan tahap kolestrol dalam badan. Delima akan membantu meningkatkan tahap kolestrol yang baik di samping menurunkan kolestrol yang buruk.


Delima terbukti mempunyai kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi berbanding pesaingnya seperti anggur merah dan teh hijau. Apabila anda memerlukan sumber antioksidan pada kehidupan seharian, anda perlu pastikan ia adalah antioksidan yang paling bagus. Delima merupakan sumber terbaik untuk antioksidan.


Delima membantu melancarkan peredaran darah dalam badan. Ini adalah kaedah terbaik melindungi diri daripada penyakit jantung atau serangan jantung. Berdasarkan kajian terbaru, kandungan antioksidan dalam jus delima membantu menurunkan pembentukan lemak pada dinding arteri. Antioksidan membantu membaiki kawasan sel yang rosak. Delima mengandungi ‘flavonoids’ dan ‘polyphenols’ yang tinggi, iaitu antioksidan yang mampu melawan penyakit jantung dan kanser.


Jus delima kaya dengan antioksidan yang dapat meningkatkan pengaliran darah pada genitals (alat kelamin). Ia juga mencegah ketidaksuburan dan kemandulan. Delima juga dikenali sebagai 'natural viagra', dapat meningkatkan tenaga seksual secara semulajadi.


Delima merupakan pendekatan yang baik bagi melawan penyakit. Delima dapat memperbaiki kitaran darah pengguna. Tahap antioksidan yang tinggi dalam Delima akan membantu menguatkan sistem dalam badan dan melawan apa jua penyakit. Ini adalah langkah awal untuk pengguna dari menjadi mangsa serangan jantung atau penyakit hati.


Meminum jus delima sangat baik untuk pesakit kencing manis dan merendahkan risiko masalah jantung. Kajian terbaru mendapati pesakit kencing manis yang meminum jus delima selama 3 bulan dapat merendahkan kebarangkalian atherosclerosis (atau pengerasan pada arteries). Kata Penyelidik. “Dalam jus delima, gula bercantum kepada antioksida yang unik, di mana sebenarnya menjadikan gula ini sebagai pelindung melawan atherosclerosis.”


Keputusan eksperimen menunjukkan halangan kemasukan HIV-1 ke atas jus delima yang dapat menyerap kanji dalam badan. Virus kompleks yang diikat pada CD4 dan CXCR4/CCR5 dapat menahan serangan virus utama A sehingga G dan juga kumpulan 0.


Kajian telah membuktikan bahawa jus delima dapat mengurangkan perkembangan kanser kelenjar prostat. Kebanyakan pesakit berpuas hati dengan keputusan yang diterima di mana penggunaan delima dapat menyembuhkan kanser itu.


Penyelidik mendapati bahawa minyak bijian daripada delima dapat memusnahkan sel kanser payudara dan mengekal tanpa menjejaskan sel sedia ada. Kajian lain di Universiti Chicago menemukan jus delima yang ditapai dan minyak bijian delima dapat membantu mengelakkan kanser payudara. Kajian di Wisconsin pula mendapati bahawa jus delima dapat menghalang pembesaran sel kanser kulit.


Salah satu masalah kesihatan utama yang dihadapi oleh manusia pada masa kini adalah menghidapi tekanan darah yang tinggi pada usia tua. Kandungan antioksidan pada delima mampu untuk mengurangkan pengumpulan sel darah kotor dan secara semulajadinya mengurangkan tekanan darah, faktor kepada pencegahan serangan jantung dan strok.


Delima diketahui dapat mengurangkan pembentukan plak pada gigi. Gigi yang sihat dapat diperolehi selain dari menggunakan khidmat doktor yang pakar. Ini adalah kaedah yang dapat mengelakkan pengguna dari kehilangan gigi.


Pengkaji daripada Pusat Perubatan Universiti Vanderbilt mengenalpasti bahawa sesiapa yang meminum jus delima tiga kali atau lebih setiap minggu dapat menurunkan 76 peratus pertumbuhan tanda penyakit Alzheimer’s daripada mereka yang meminum kurang daripada satu sajian setiap minggu.


Kandungan asid askorbik (vitamin C) yang tinggi pada buah ini merupakan ejen anti-radangan yang hebat. Ia akan mengurangkan bunyi dehitan pada pengidap asthma dan lelah.


Delima mengandungi ‘potassium’ yang tinggi, selain dari mineral-mineral lain seperti fosfor, kalsium, besi, dan sodium, dan vitaman-vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, dan C. mencegah edema, dan mengurangi kadar gula yang beredar di dalam darah (ibu yang baru pertama kali hamil atau lebih dari 3 kali kehamilan). Delima menghilangkan rasa letih otot dan memungkinkannya bergerak dengan mudah, dan juga menguatkan jantung.

~Jika diambil semasa awal kehamilan, ia dapat mengelakkan 'morning sickness'
~menjaga degupan jantung agar tetap normal (bagi ibu dan perkembangan fetusnya).

~menunjang kepekaan saraf dan otot agar berfungsi secara teratur (kajian mendapati rahim wanita lebih utuh/kuat sesuai dengan kepekaannya menunjang pergerakan bayi yang dikandung)

~kulit bayi anda sihat, gebu dan cantik


Kajian Pediatrik mendapati meminum jus delima semasa mengandung dapat melindungi otak bayi semasa kelahiran. Jus delima juga dapat membantu pengguna untuk mendapatkan bayi yang sihat. Beberapa tahun lepas, doktor mengesahkan bahawa ketidakcukupan asid folik (folate) boleh menyebabkan tiub saraf yang cacat seperti kerosakan pada tulang belakang dan sumbing pada lelangit bibir untuk bayi. Itulah sebabnya kenapa Persatuan Perubatan Amerika mencadangkan supaya semua ibu yang mengandung mengambil supplemen yang mempunyai asid folik setiap hari. Jus delima memenuhi bekalan asid folik sebaik seperti vitamin dan mineral yang penting untuk perkembangan bayi. Sebagai tambahan, kebaikan jus delima adalah mengandungi ‘potassium’ di mana ia dapat mengelakkan kekejangan kaki yang biasanya dihadapi oleh ibu mengandung pada waktu malam.

~Melawan penyakit gout
~mengurangkan batuk dan menghilangkan kahak
~merawat 'sinus'
~meningkatkan tenaga
~menguatkan sistem penghadaman, membersihkan usus dan mengeluarkan keracunan badan
~Mengatasi penyakit anemia dengan membekalkan zat besi yang secukupnya
~menormalkan fungsi hati
~menstabilkan peredaran darah
~merawat cirit birit, sakit telinga, pandangan kabur, sakit gusi
~mencuci darah kotor

Produk : Pati Delima Tulen

Origin : Turkey

Berat : 340gm

Cara amalan :
1 sudu besar before breakfast.
Boleh diminum terus atau dibancuh dengan segelas air.

Whole fruit Version vs. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranates take a good amount of time in order to get to the edible red “bulbs” on the inside. And considering the fast-paced, busy lifestyle these days I completely understand why most wouldn’t bother with the whole fruit version. Come to think of it, the only times I ate the fruit version is when it’s already been extracted for me. (Thanks mom!)
But does that mean that pomegranate juice is not as beneficial as the fruit version? Absolutely not!
Pomegranate has gotten its reputation as a superfood based almost entirely from the health benefits of pomegranate juice and from some of the pomegranate extract products.
70+ years of research has gone into discovering the pomegranate juice benefits. A good majority of this research has been done in the last 10 years as a result of pomegranate’s increase in popularity. In short, there’s a lot of research supporting the health benefits of pomegranate juice.
One study which stuck out to me was done at UCLA that showed pomegranate juice having the highest antioxidant capacity when compared to red wine, tea and other commercial juices.
Research at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology also confirmed that pomegranates contain a higher amount of flavonoids (a type of antioxidant) than those found in grapes.

What To Expect...

Let’s go over the nutritional profile before we go into the health benefits of pomegranate juice.
Pomegranate juice is a good source of Vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Folate, Potassium and Vitamin K.
But pomegranate juice’s real claim to fame are the antioxidants it has! Both the whole fruit and juice version are loaded with antioxidant polyphenols similar to those found in wine and tea.
They also have some other interesting antioxidants... punicalagins & anthocyanins to be exact.
Anthocyanins are found in blueberries & acai. Studies have shown it may be effective against cardiovascular disease, aging/neurological disorders, bacterial infections & inflammation.
Punicalagins so far have only been found in pomegranate and has been under the scientific community’s spotlight for its anti-disease and anti-cancer benefits.


Some of the health benefits of pomegranate juice include:
Promotes Heart Health – There are both numerous studies and benefits pomegranate has for your heart and they all seem to tie together. It includes...
    • Lowering & stopping the oxidation, or breakdown, of LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) which will...
    • reduce plaque from building up in your arteries, leading to
    • A decrease in blood pressure & increased blood flow to the heart and therefore...
    • Less chance of having a heart attack!

Great for Men’s Health – There are 2 parts... protects against prostate cancer & fights off erectile dysfunction. Some of the cancer-fighting properties in pomegranate help to delay the development of prostate cancer by “blocking” the production of PSA (the marker used to detect prostate cancer).

This combined with the juice’s antioxidants & its ability to improve blood flow may help in the fight against erectile dysfunction. It’s been dubbed as a “Natural Viagra” and has some interesting history to it.

• May help to slow down the aging process and beneficial in maintaining the elasticity/health of your skin

Other health benefits of pomegranate juice include its anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial/antiviral benefits, and the ability to control diabetes.

Detective’s Verdict

Pomegranate is definitely a great addition to your diet.
If time permits and if you feel like trying something different then go for the whole fruit version. If that’s the case then you’re going to have to know how to eat pomegranate. But the juice version of pomegranate is just as beneficial.
The big issue I have is that most pomegranate juice is flash pasteurized and it’s usually found in a clear container. Both these factors result in some of the nutrients getting lost along the way. So who knows how much of the pomegranate juice health benefits you’re getting by the time you drink it.
But the amount benefits you’ll be getting definitely outweighs the drawbacks so for the most part you’re good to go in adding pomegranate juice to your diet.
Pomegranate juice is available in many supermarkets so be sure to read the label to make sure you’re getting a quality product. Make sure it’s 100% pure juice, or 100% pure juice from concentrate at the very least. Also make sure that no sugars are added.
Another thing to look for is there should be a little bit of this thick, cloudy stuff at the bottom of the container. This is a good thing so just shake it up and you’ll be good to go.



Following are the nutritional values present in 100 grams of pomegranate:
  • Fat – 0.3 gm
  • Dietary Fiber – 0.6 gm
  • Sugars – 16.57 gm
  • Carbohydrates – 17.17 gm
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – 0.063 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – 0.03mg
  • Protein – 0.95 gm
  • Iron – 0.3 mg
  • Calcium – 3 mg
  • Vitamin C – 6.1 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) – 6 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.105 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – 0.596 mg
  • Energy – 70 kcal or 290 kJ
  • Zinc – 0.12 mg
  • Potassium – 259 mg
  • Phosphorus – 8 mg
  • Magnesium – 3 mg 

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Pomegranate
One of the oldest cultivated fruits, pomegranates first grew in ancient Persia and the health benefits of pomegranate were recognized even then.
One of the oldest cultivated fruits, pomegranates first grew in ancient Persia and the health benefits of pomegranate were recognized even then. The Romans gave it its name — “pomegranate” literally means “seed apple” in Latin — and planted the sturdy seedlings throughout their empire. Spain so loved pomegranates that they named the city of Granada after them, according to some historians. The fruit also made its way eastward to India, where its juice was considered a health elixir that cured any number of ills. As modern researchers discover more about the importance of antioxidants to good health, it’s beginning to look as though the Ayurvedic specialists of centuries ago were right about pomegranates.
The round red fruit has a symbolic history as rich as its geographic history. Its profusion of seeds linked pomegranate fruit with fertility, while the long-lived trees became associated with rebirth and renewal. Garnets, the rich red gemstone prized throughout the ancient world, took their name from their resemblance to pomegranate seeds. Pomegranates have been the subject of poetry and allegorical tales from Greek mythology to the book of Exodus. Paintings and frescoes depict legendary heroes, gods and goddesses dining on pomegranates.

Nutritional Information

However poetic they may be, there is also practical value due to the health benefits of pomegranate. Nutritionally speaking, pomegranates compare favorably to many more familiar fruits. They contain no fat, low sugar and only 80 calories per 100-gram serving, yet they offer 5 grams of fiber and 15 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
Pomegranate juice is almost as popular as whole fruits. Because it’s more concentrated, pomegranate juice is slightly higher in calories than whole seeds at 120 calories per 8-ounce serving. Like whole pomegranates, pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants. This nutrition information applies to pomegranate juice, not to the sweetened mixture of juice and simple syrup called grenadine.
Going beyond the label reveals the full extent of the health benefits of pomegranate.

Pomegranates and Antioxidants

Pomegranates’ deep red color delivers more than just plate appeal; that garnet hue signifies the fruit’s rich supply of antioxidant phytochemicals. Antioxidants counteract cellular damage due to free radicals. While researchers are still studying the effects of antioxidants within the human body and haven’t yet concluded that these compounds work the same in people as they do in a test tube, the National Cancer Society asserts that within the testing they’ve done so far, “antioxidants help prevent the free radical damage that is associated with cancer.” It’s impossible to talk of curing disease with antioxidants, but it’s clear that foods with antioxidants appear to be sensible preventive medicine.
Plenty of foods have antioxidants, but only pomegranates have a related set of compounds called punicalagins. That tongue-twister of a name has its roots in the scientific name for pomegranates, Punica granatum. Punicalagins have the same capacity to neutralize free radicals as other antioxidants, but preliminary studies suggest that these substances also actively seek out free radicals and may have an effect in reducing the chance of prostate cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer.
Pomegranate juice has an antioxidizing capacity of 2,860 units per 100 grams. That compares favorably to prune juice, goji berries and melon juice. If research bears out the distinction between punicalagins and other antioxidants, then consuming both could have an even bigger buffering effect on free radicals.

Vitamins, Minerals and Micronutrients in Pomegranates

Like many fruits, pomegranate supplies a healthy dose of vitamin C. Unlike others, it also contains vitamins B5, B9 and K. Potassium and zinc top the list of vital minerals that pomegranates and pomegranate juice contain.
Better known by its full name, pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is essential to healthy skin and nerve function. The name might be more familiar as a hair-care ingredient, but pantothenic acid is also an important dietary requirement. Research into the importance of pantothenic acid is ongoing, but this micronutrient may help prevent muscle cramping, insulin resistance and adrenal insufficiency.
Vitamin B9, also known as folate or folic acid, took on greater significance in the world of nutritional science when researchers found that folic acid deficiency contributed to neural tube defects in babies. Adults also need this vitamin to repair DNA and create healthy blood cells. A single serving of pomegranate seeds contains 10 percent of an adult’s recommended allowance of the vitamin.
People who don’t get enough vitamin K may bruise easily and run a greater risk of developing osteoporosis. Usually found in dark green leafy vegetables, vitamin K becomes more palatable when it’s packaged in sweet pomegranate seeds. Pomegranate juice and whole pomegranate seeds contain about 10 percent of an adult’s recommended daily allowance of vitamin K.

Allergies and Contraindications

While pomegranate allergies are rare, anyone who notices itching or burning of the skin after handling pomegranates should avoid these fruits. The mild acidity of pomegranate juice could exacerbate GERD or heartburn symptoms; if heartburn is a common occurrence, try cutting down on acidic foods including pomegranates shortly before bedtime.
The seeds in pomegranates may cause irritation for people with diverticulitis. Like tomato, strawberry and raspberry seeds, pips in pomegranate seeds can get into the diverticuli of the bowel and cause pain. For other people, the relatively large seeds of the fruit cause no trouble at all. The seeds can be easily and quickly removed using a pomegranate deseeder.
People on certain blood thinners must be careful of their vitamin K intake. Because the vitamin prohibits clotting, too much of it combined with medications could cause an interaction between the two. Account for the vitamin K in pomegranate seeds and juice to ensure that the food doesn’t interact with medications and the pomegranate health benefits can be enjoyed safely.

Selecting, Cooking and Eating Pomegranates

Pick a pomegranate that has a bright red color and feels heavy for its size to get the best-tasting fruit. Pomegranates are in season throughout the fall, so buying them in season ensures a better product.
Most fruits consist of sweet flesh wrapped around inedible seeds. Pomegranates reverse that familiar formula; they’re full of translucent juicy seeds surrounded by a fibrous white pith. Separate the delicious seeds from the pith with a sharp rap from the back of a spoon against the back of a pomegranate half. The seeds should shower down from the pith and into the bowl with a few taps from the spoon.
Pomegranate seeds closely resemble the garnets to which they lent their name. Their vivid color and translucency make them a beautiful garnish to ice cream dishes and desserts. Try them in salads, too, where their bursts of tangy juice add a new dimension of taste and texture. Use pomegranate juice anywhere that other fruit juices would go: in glazes and sauces, with mixed fruit drinks and as a frozen treat.
However you decide to use them, whether you learn how to juice pomegranate or use it in salads or desserts, it is easy to start exploring the health benefits of pomegranate fruit.

Source :

Buah delima adalah salah satu buah yang terdapat di dalam syurga
sebagaimana firman Allah: (Q:55:68)
Maksudnya :"Pada keduanya juga terdapat buah-buahan serta pohon-pohon kurma dan delima.

Buah delima atau ar-rumman dalam bahasa Arab disebut tiga kali dalam Al-Quran. Antara keunggulannya ialah susunan dalamannya. Apabila kulit berkilat buah ini dikupas, akan kelihatan kantung-kantung kecil berjus segar, manis masam rasanya.

Dalam banyak budaya, delima melambangkan kesuburan dan panjang usia. Orang Cina misalnya menyajikannya sewaktu upacara perkahwinan karena ia dianggap lambang kesuburan, kemakmuran dan keturunan besar.

Dalam zaman Nabi Musa as, delima sudah ditanam di Palestin, Syria da Lebanon. Rimmon, kota silam yang dikatakan bandar Hebron kini, terkenal karena pengeluaran delima atau rumman, sempena namanya.

Delima dipercayai berasal dari Iran, kawasan banjaran Himalaya dan utara India. Ia berkembang sebagai bahan masakan dan ditanam di pesisir Mediterranean, disesuaikan dengan kawasan suhu dingin dan panas. Delima tumbuh seperti pokok semak atau pokok biasa setinggi 3-6 meter, atau ada kalanya 9 meter. Biasanya daunnya luruh tetapi beberapa kawasan pula, pokoknya malar segar. Kini delima ditanam dari sejauh China sehinggalah California
Nama saintifik bagi delima ialah Punica granatum diambil dari kekata Perancis yang bermakna epal yang berbiji.

1. Menegangkan payudara
2. Mencantikkan kulit - merawat kulit rosak/kulit kering/kulit berjerawat
3. Mencerahkan kulit
4. Menegangkan kulit dan menjadikannya awet muda
5. Membuang lemak berlebihan terutama di perut
6. Merapat dan menyuburkan rahim - menormalkan kitaran haid yang tidak teratur
7. Merawat dan mencegah kanser rahim 
8. Memelihara kadar keseimbangan hormon semasa haid (elak moody)
9. Membakar kalori dengan cepat, elak pertambahan berat badan
10. Mengubahsuai dan membaikpulih hormon semasa menopouse - sesuai dihadiahkan kepada ibu tersayang.
11. Merawat KEPUTIHAN dan jangkitan kulat di faraj/rawat kegatalan faraj.
12. Menghalang pembentukan SEL BARAH PAYUDARA
13. Menjaga kesihatan usus besar dan kecil (lawas)

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